I’d like to share more with you about the materials I know and love, so I’m creating a catalog of the farms & hand dyers that are filling my stash with their fibre goodies.

I’ll be updating it as I try new materials, so be sure to check back now and again!

Canadian Sources : Farm Fibre


West Coast Colour and Carding


Lynne & Chris Anderson live in the heart of BC, their flock of CVM sheep are nestled into a valley with the Salmon Arm lake in view. The sounds of the chickens clucking and horses whinnying for their breakfast fills my memory with warmth. These two vegetarians hold themselves to a high standard when it comes to their animals and their fibre.

I’ve spent a great deal of time with Lynne & Chris, at their farm, and their (now closed) yarn store, Knitopia. They put their heart and soul into their flock, resulting in exceptional wool.

You’ll find yarns from their sheep and hand dyed rovings to be a delight!

Disdero Ranch


Laurie Morris’s farm is tucked into the same valley, right next door to Lynne and Chris, what a neighbourhood!

On her farm you’ll find Romney, Corriedale, CVM sheep, mohair goats, as well as Great Pyrenees pups! (excellent sheep dogs)

Their flock’s wool truly stands the test of time. I’m more familiar with her roving than her yarn and have loved every minute working with the fantastically prepped pin-drafted roving in natural greys, browns, and cream.

Left Field Farm


This is a destination to visit while you’re on your way to see Lynne or Laurie, as these three farms are all within a short distance of each other.

A certified organic farm and brewery that will make your heart shine with their hop gardens, CVM sheep, and salvaged wood buildings.

Get in touch with Rebecca via email to see what fibre she has in stock. Their pin drafted roving comes in lovely natural colours and does not disappoint! The beer is excellent too, if beer suits your fancy!

The Small Bird Workshop


Catherine does an amazing job sourcing fantastic roving and yarns from all over North America and the UK, such incredible selection.

Her naturally coloured roving, which I’ve partaken of many times, is lovely. I have nothing but good things to say about my purchases and keep being tempted back by her Fibre Friday shop updates. She always has something exciting in store.

Fibre and Forge


Only about an hour and a half away from where I live is Beatriz and her flock in all the wonderful shades of grey, it makes my heart go pitter patter. Not only does she have an excellent eye for photography and interior design, she raises a beautiful flock of Gotland and Gotland X’s, sells farm eggs, and makes delicious preserves and candles.

Her yarns are soft, yet durable, with incredible loft for a long wool breed. Cannot wait to work with her fibre again!

Kimber Valley Farms


Located in Ontario, this organic farm has wonderful icelandic roving in various natural shades.

When you place an order with them, through their instagram page, you’ll get to choose from roving made by each of their sheep. Who’s heart doesn’t melt when you get to see the name of the sheep who grew your roving written on the bag!?

Northern Roots Family Farm


Their sheep are darling, they make beautiful soap, and their children tend the beehives, what’s not to love!

I recently picked up some of Teton the shetland’s roving in a true black, which if you know wool, natural true black is hard to come by. It is springy and oh-so soft. I look forward to trying more of their flock’s wool very soon!

Twisted Sisters & Company Fibre Mill (alpaca farm too!)


The alpaca I’ve ordered from here has been incredibly soft, it’s so nice I almost hesitate to tell anyone about it… but I will because they absolutely deserve the praise! They sell both spun and unspun alpaca in dyed and natural shades. Stunning!

Lone Sequoia Ranch


I am so impressed by Leanna’s contagious joyful energy, her openness towards sharing her knowledge about life as a sheep farmer, and of course her wool! I picked up some charcoal navajo churro roving last year and used it as soon as I got it, I am so excited for when her next batch comes back from the mill